Friday, August 12, 2011

Sign me up

What a week. It's been both crazy busy and laid back. And for the first time, I feel like summer is starting to wind down and I better get in the game for a few last farmer's markets, days at the beach/on a boat, etc. I have not met my goals for working out (not even close), but with the weather cooling off some, I think it's time to start running outside after work. AT LEAST just taking a walk, haha.

It's going to be a great weekend with friends and events, and I'm excited! I haven't  been home in awhile to just putz around, so I'm looking forward to coffee in my jams and some cleaning. Oh, and Food Network.

I'm thinking about houses again lately, too. I don't know what my obsession is, but I love the comfort of a home.  The house I grew up in was torn down last year to make room for a  new Casey's in our little town, and I looked at some pictures again this week. It was hard to see my house come down. Super hard.

We loved that house. It was huge and old, with a great big porch on the front where I spent thousands of hours porch-swinging. Our yard was huge with flower patches, a garden and big trees (some of them apple trees). Inside, we had big rooms, creaky floors, drafty windows, ugly carpet and bad plumbing. But I loved it. Every inch. The house had a personality, for sure. It had warmth.

I really hope that someday soon, Tim and I can buy a house and make it ours. So much of my life story to this point has involved a home, and I know I can't go on much longer living tenament-style with neighbors above, below, across, etc. It's sooo much more to me than just the ability to choose a paint color.

I want roots.

1 comment:

  1. I know it will come soon!! I love reading your blog because it makes me feel closer to you guys. Way to go on the blog front though, three posts in a week!! I have slowed my roll but need to follow your example.
