Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Going flippin' crazy

What: A perfect job opportunity for Tim
Landmarks Crossed: TWO interviews, one reference check (that we know of) and one follow-up phone call Friday reminding Tim that he is "a top candidate" and he would hear back Monday or Tuesday.


We feel so helpless. We have been holding our breaths now for at least 1.5 weeks! And I say "we" because I feel like I'm applying for this job, too.

We just want to return to the days of dual job-security. We want it so bad that only cookies + ice cream and a jumpy movie (Insidious) could console us last night. At this point, getting the job would be a BONUS. We just want to hear back yay or nay.

We both want to stop checking our phones obsessively.

And..... that is all.


  1. I'm sure it doesn't help that we all are asking constantly if he's heard anything yet! Still crossing my fingers and toes for him :)

  2. YAYAYAY!!! So happy he got it. Way to go big brother and way to keep him on track Kate!
