Monday, August 1, 2011

1 Week Down

So, first and foremost, I have a new nephew! He is so precious and I never thought I could be *thisinterested* in a baby. Such a sweetheart, and I spent the weekend with him and my family in St. Louis. Can't wait to see him again in a month! I could keep gushing, but I'll save that for the next 1,000 posts ;)

Last week was a win (I'm deciding) on the motivation front. I hit the bike trails twice after work and totally went all in -- I was so tired after the 1.5 hour ride that I couldn't lift my bike up the steps into the apartment again. This week, my goal is to do some activity 3 times.... biking or elliptical/treadmill. Just slowly build in exercise until I can trick myself into loving it.

On the food front, I did OK, too. More meals than not were pretty low-cal (I can't count this weekend), and I used a few Special K shakes to right the ship. Also, because I'm too lazy in the morning to pack a real lunch. Morning laziness = the final frontier for me and motivation. The snooze button and I have a longstanding relationship that is not easily breakable.

Aside from overall health, here is my list of other requires-motivation stuff I want to dig into:

1. Actually plan outfits. This might seem really vain, but my inability to decide what to wear in the morning + snooze-button lovin' = questionable appearance most days. I've been getting inspiration from style blogs (I wish I could just hire this girl to dress me). I just want to look organized, know what I mean?
2. Develop another hobby: I have a keyboard under our guest bed, a dollhouse that needs repairing, and now the above item makes me wish I could sew.
3. Take the GMAT. I've been honing in lately on my career path and grad school, and step one is a big, scary test. Time to just do it before even more years fly by.

This list (which is cool and awesome) is starting to sound like a New Year's Resolution list (which is cliche and lame), so I'll stop there. If you're stalking this blog and want to share what motivates you to stay healthy/try a hobby/wake up at an appropriate time/improve yourself professionally, please comment!

1 comment:

  1. I've learned to just accept the snooze-button loving lifestyle I much that I've got me a job working evenings/nights. I don't seem to hit the snoozer when it's 11 am versus 6 am, when I'm getting the same amt of hours. :)

    Totes get you on the outfit planning, I have all these cute(ish) clothes in my closet I want to wear/use but I get so laaazy dressing...oh well :)
