Thursday, October 20, 2011

This just in

I will never be a hobby-est.

I had the realization a bit ago when I was cleaning out the apartment and found a sadly stalled hobby project. (As little kids, my sisters and I got awesome dollhouses from our grandpa that we proceeded to destroy. Almost 2 years ago, ahem, I decided I would fix them. I ordered new parts and tore out the broken ones, and left them like that in our spare bedroom for the next 2 years).

Now, I'm a pretty motivated person. I like feeling accomplished and getting things done. I'm deadline-driven.

And THAT'S why I can't have hobbies.

Unless someone puts a gun to my head or tells me my liberty/happiness/relationships/paycheck are on the line, I won't knit that scarf, fix those dollhouses, play with watercolor paints, take pictures, or grow something from the dirt. Also, I consider health a hobby (more or less). The best I can do regularly is make different food choices, because eating is a survival instinct. I HAVE to do it. (So, my kitchen expiraments don't qualify as a hobby.)

I know you can "set deadlines for yourself" and "meet them" but I just "can't seem to do that."
We'll see if age improves that.... and I have a sneaking suspicion that owning a house almost qualifies as a hobby, at least in the short term. I have to stop trolling the Pottery Barn website for things that fit into my budget.....

1 comment:

  1. So excited to see your new house! We are going to have a blast, and yes, I think cooking does count as a hobby. So many choose not to do it and you have inspired me to cook more, so thank you!

    p.s. I am pretty sure blogging counts as one too ;)
