Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm not dead

Just got sucked into a life whirlwind, you know the sort.

So, we finally did it, we bought a house. And it's just lovely, we couldn't be more excited about our choice AND our interest rate (because we're grownups, we can also be excited about the money part). Now, half of my brain is mentally moving furniture and living in our new house. We move in early November, and we can't wait to host some family for Thanksgiving!

We signed our house offer while we were visiting my bestie Sarah over Labor Day weekend in Saint Paul, MN. We had a great time hanging around THEIR cute new house, taking in the city, and just catching up. It felt awesome/like home to see Sarah and her husband again after a 6-month hiatus.

The weather is starting to turn, too. I just love seasons. Even the one that shall not be named. Every year when the seasons turn, I get SO EXCITED for the new one to come. I just don't know that I could ever live in a place where the weather hardly changes, even if that ONE season is weather-tastic. Snow and rain are just another reason to make soup and watch TV (or be productive at work), anyway, so why hate on them so much? (New house comes with a working woodburning fireplace, bee tee dubs. One more reason to be excited about snow).

In other news, Frank got the best of me last week. (Well, we bested each other). I was removing him from our bedroom and caught a tuft of his fur on.... something (still don't know what). Relieved of a clump of fur, Frank lashed out on me and scratched my eyelid. He didn't get my actual eye, but I went to the ER nonetheless. My eye is fine and healing well, but I had to get a tetnus shot and THAT was way worse. My arm hurt so bad on day 2 and 3 that I couldn't stand to move it or roll over on it during the night.

On the upside, I'm clear to play with rusty nails again............

This weekend was also my unofficial fall kick-off: Brucemorchestra. For the 4th year now, Orchestra Iowa played an amazing outdoor concert on the lawn at Brucemore. We all show up with lawn chairs, wine, and snacks and enjoy the music. I LOVE IT. Makes me wish I played an instrument or sang in a group again.

I also watched our interstate college football rivalry and my alma mater came out ahead, FINALLY. I really only like college football because it's something to do in the fall with friends, but it's good to see your team win, even if you never watch another game they play in the season, haha.

So, to recap our life lately:

Tim and Kate vs. navigating home buying = we won
Kate vs. Frank freak out = Frank won
Kate and Tim vs. changing seasons and fall plans = everyone wins

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lord, I love you so much. Molly and I literally lol'ed many, many times.
